Katsuhiro Harada, series producer for the Tekken franchise, has told Eurogamer that he will continue to ensure DLC doesn’t block core game elements.
On-disk downloadable content and limiting access to features such as characters and abilities has been an area of great debate in the industry this year. The argument centred around Street Fighter X Tekken earlier in 2012 when it was revealed that 12 character released as DLC were already present on the disk.
Harada-san told Eurogamer:
“When you look at DLC, whether paid or free, a lot of titles have it on the disc, it’s not that unusual.
“I’ve been saying that, at least for Tekken, regarding techniques, characters and stages, these three things won’t be charged for, even if they are DLC.”
Despite concerns over charging for significant content, there will always be some level of on-disk DLC required:
“Saying that, if someone has a particular character they’ve downloaded and they play someone who doesn’t have that character, it might take five minutes for the person to then download the data to play against this person.
“This wouldn’t be very realistic and wouldn’t give a very favourable impression, so we do plan to address these issues. So some content may be on the disc, some might not. But since it’s free it shouldn’t be an issue.
“Actually this is something my bosses have been asking me for quite a while now – what are our plans for DLC? How much money can we make?
“They are a company, obviously, in it to make money. So it’s something I’m continually asked even now. But I haven’t changed my stance. If you’re making a fighting game, all of the elements necessary to enjoy it should be on the disc, or should at least be available for free.”
For all of ‘Mr Tekken’s thoughts on DLC check out the full interview over at Eurogamer. Worth a read!