New 3DS Zelda game announced:
Eiji Aonuma, Zelda’s series producer announced that the game is trying to be more like previous console games rather than the releases on the DS. No doubt this is due from the universal praise that 3DS’ re-release of Ocarina of Time received.
“It’s something I’m asked about often and I assure you that it is something I’ve spoken to Miyamoto about. But recently we released The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D as a remake. We are considering the idea, but it didn’t seem right to launch a remake one after another, so the next Zelda game on 3DS will be original.”
Rayman Origins demo released next week:
Some of you may have forgotten that this game even existed. Despite the fact that it looks pretty good it is likely to be missed by so many in the gaming rush that is upon us.
If players collect ’9 Electoons’ in the demo then they will unlock a new costume for the game.
The demo is out on Xbox Live and PSN on Wednesday November the 9th, with the full game released on November 25th. So you may want to take a look at Rayman Origins, if you have any money left in your bank…
Remedy on XBLA Alan Wake:
When it was released Alan Wake was considered to be a ‘Triple A’ title, with money and sources poured into it by Microsoft. Unfortunately the game didn’t deliver and was a rather mediocre affair, but that hasn’t stopped developers Remedy from giving it another shot.
The new game is set to be released only via digital distribution on XBL. Upon announcing this Remedy faced bad feedback from fans of the series and responded to the comments saying:
“You’re assuming a lot by the platform it is on,” said Remedy’s community manager. “All I can say is wait for the official announcement before making up your mind.
“We’ll have an official announcement up in a moment but let me clarify that you guys shouldn’t feel disheartened that it’s coming to XBLA.
“It’s structured like a full release complete with a pretty damn impressive storyline that expands the originals in some interesting ways,” he added. “I really enjoyed it so I’m sure you all will too!”
Man makes Lego Halo sniper:
Nick Jensen has created a 1:1 replica of Halo’s SRS 99 Sniper from Halo Reach.
The whole thing is pretty impressive and measures 63-inches with a removable magazine and sliding bolt.
This guy has some serious skills, or too much time on his hands, depending on your point of view.
Play Modern Warfare 3 early and your XBL account could get banned:
Today Activision announced that anyone that plays Modern Warfare 3 online before the game’s release date. Today on his Twitter feed director of Policy and Enforcement for Xbox Live Stephen Tolouse said “For those asking about MW3 pre-release play: If your copy is legit and obtained legally, have fun. It’s a great game.”
Later on in the day his stance changed and he said: “clarification: dblchk’d with Activision. Mw3 pre-release play not authorised. So pls be patient. Playing early may impact your account!”
We think this is pretty disgusting behaviour from Activision and Microsoft. Punish the sellers, not the gamers as they have legally purchased the game!
Mass Effect 3 footage leaked:
The Mass Effect series has ramped up the action with each release and the third looks set to do the same. The footage came from a BETA tester and is full of spoilers. So watch it at your own risk!
People who hate on games like Zelda II and Castlevania II are the people who pylaed them for free on emulators and have hundreds of games at their immediate disposal. Back in the 80s, games cost about the same as they do now. But there’s been a decent amount of inflation between now and the 80s, and the average wage is significantly higher now. If you were an average kid growing up in the 80s, you got games for your birthday and Christmas, and that was pretty much it. Castlevania II is often panned by modern critics for its less than awesome jumping mechanics and because you often to have explore and find clues to figure out where to go next. Well, in the days when you had to play the same games for months at a time, a game filled with exploration and sometimes frustrating jumping exercises was quite welcome and quite popular.