The official DoTA 2 blog has been updated to reveal that Valve’s new strategy game is officially free-to-play, but will feature the genre standard micro-transactions.
Valve have reassured fans that the micro-transactions included in the new game will not lead to a “pay-to-win” culture developing. The payments will instead allow players to unlock cosmetic upgrades for characters, affecting the appearance but leaving the gameplay untouched.
Another significant piece of news to emerge from the game’s website is that all Heroes in the game are free – all players will have access to all the Heroes, further ensuring that no one can buy a strategic advantage over their fellow gamer.
Further information released through the DoTA 2 blog has revealed that the upcoming title will feature Steam Workshop integration. The community content service will allow players to put their artistic skills to the test and try their hand at creating content for the game.
Popular choices will be adopted by the development team and released as part of the game, allowing gamers the chance to get a cut of the profit. The blog boasts that Team Fortress 2 fans have already snagged over $3.5 million using Steam Workshop.
The Beta for DoTA 2 currently sits as one of the most played games on Steam despite still being available through invitation only. While Valve have announced that they won’t be bringing anything new to E3, they will still be in attendance so expect to see DoTA 2 making an appearance next week.