The games industry is a pretty new one and it still hasn’t quite learned how to best portray the feeling of games within a short advert. This has led to some of the best, worst and down right weirdest adverts that you will ever see. Everything from a crazy Sega Saturn superhero to a David Lynch’s twisted imagination is in this list. If you think we’ve missed anything, let us know in the comment box at the bottom.
PS3 Baby ad:
This advert is plain freaky. A small animatronic baby sits watching a PS3 and makes noises from different stages of life. His/her eyes that reflect several PS3 games as tears trickle back up into its eyes. What the hell Sony? Were you trying to freak out anyone interested in your console?
We love the Japanese. Only our eastern friends could create an advert that uses budget special effects to slap a drawn hand on-top of a muscle-man who runs around half-naked, spanking women.
Ever see Twin Peaks, Blue Velvet or Muholland Drive? Well if not, you should have! This advert was made by David Lynch who is responsible for some of the world’s most famous surreal pieces of cinema and it shows here. We are not sure why Sony love their surreal ads, saying that we never forgot this one, but we’re not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.
We wished that we got more foreign adverts over here, then we’d have more mascots like Segata Sanshiro. Created by Sega to promote the Saturn, Sanshiro went on several adventures such as fighting hordes of zombies and playing Santa, telling (or shouting) kids to buy a Saturn. The guy even managed to get his own song. If Sega ever decide to make a new console, they need to bring this guy out of retirement!
This is one of the more interesting ads on the list. Not really funny, more freaky. I wont ruin it, but will just say it involves breasts. Now watch!
Why oh why did anyone think that a Zelda rap like this was a good idea. I remember seeing this advert when I was younger and thinking “ooooooookaaaayyyyy then”. This is an example of where games companies think that they are ‘down with the kids’. Just show us gameplay dammit and shut up and take my money already!
Another ‘what the fu*k’ advert from Sony, this time with a small girl and a funny head. We’re not really sure who thought this was a good idea, or whether the freaky laugh at the end was needed.
One of the better adverts on this list, the ad has a woman giving birth and launching her baby into the air. The baby grows, ages and eventually dies, falling into his grave. The tagline, “Life is short. Play more” then comes up. This advert was actually banned in the UK due to so many complaints to OFCOM.
We thought this advert was fake to begin with, but after some digging we found that this ad was actually the real deal. The over the top advert has a pseudo family situation with a mother giving her kids some games. Whoever made this is a genius. A white mother with Asian, black and ginger kids. She must have had quite a few male suitors then. Just watch the ad and you’ll understand why it was odd that Microsoft paid for this.
Now I know that I have been sticking to real, televised adverts on here, but when I came across this I thought it was brilliant. Sony created the fake news story that stated the remains of a huge creature had washed up on the shores of India. They set up a website and everything. For a short amount of time it created a buzz around the internet and you can see why, the whole thing looks pretty real.