IGN have released a fifteen minute walkthrough of Ubisoft’s latest game, ZombiU.
The footage starts off in Buckingham Palace and has the player getting used to the controls. After this short tutorial it moves on to a spooky nursery where E3 attendants were challenged to see how long they would survive.
One of the first things that struck me about ZombiU was how good the game looks. There are some brilliant lighting effects and generally everything looks pretty smooth. We like the fact that small details have been thought about too. The back of an English Ambulance has exactly the right designs and the settings match London’s look. Saying that, we need to remember this is a next-gen console and this is not exactly a massive leap from what we have on consoles now.
The whole concept of ZombiU is pretty interesting. Unlike other zombie games (bar DayZ), if you are bitten in ZombiU your character dies. Any kind of experience that you have will be lost along with your items. This really ups the tension in the game as one wrong move could end your run. The Ubisoft rep says:
“You only get to play each survivor once. Which means that when Joe dies, he becomes one of the infected. And then he has to go back and get his gear off his former survivor.”
Ubisoft have also promised to make this game a survival horror, which is brilliant to hear as other veterans of the genre are dying off.
The footage shows off some of the WiiU’s capabilities including the ability to sort your inventory and scan the environment to scavenge for items with the tablet controller. Sticking true to what Ubisoft said, the game is trying to deliver a survival horror experience, so this is all in real-time, keeping you on your feet.
The new game pad is also used as a map when you are not using it to scan the area. The tablet is even used for several mini-games, just like in GTA: Chinatown Wars, such as hacking and picking locks. Every now and then your game pad functions will be disabled by something in-game, throwing you off guard.
Multiplayer functions were also confirmed and sound rather ambitious. There will be an assault mode where players will co-operate to survive. Another mode will let you use the new game pad to control other zombies, to attack your friends.