Archive for the ‘’ Category


God of War: Ascention announcement, box art and trailer leaked

God of War: Ascention has been leaked via a post on Amazon. Things get even worse though, not only was [...]


Tokyo Jungle Survival mode video unleashed

Shouji Masuda is the latest game developer to join the series of videos showing off Tokyo Jungle Multiplayer Survival mode. The game’s old promotional manager, Kayo Ishikawa [...]


Darksiders II delayed

A post on the Darksiders II blog has confirmed that THQ’s game has been pushed back to August 2012. The post says: “Once again we want to welcome you to the new Darksiders II website. Being a part of our community means you will be the first to know when new trailers, screenshots [...]


Dead Space 3 outed by games website

South African retailer BT Games has listed Dead Space 3 on its website and has begun accepting pre-orders for the unannounced game. IGN spotted the cock-up earlier today and while BT Games may have tried to cover [...]

The Monk

Blizzard shows off Diablo III’s Monk class

We have tracked down another Diablo III video for you to feast your eyes on, this one looks at the Monk class. Here’s [...]


Bomb Squad called out to deal with Space Invaders art

A Space Invaders model has caused a lot of trouble in Russia. The piece of street art used a model of the iconic enemies from the game. The police received called about “a suspicious object under a railway bridge”, after [...]


Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus coming to PSN & XBLA in Summer

Arc System Works, the people behind Persona 4 Arena and BlazBlue, are bringing Guilty Gear XX Accent Core [...]


Phantasy Star Online 2 character creation video

Sega will release a program that lets you build your Phantasy Star Online 2 character. This will be available for people to play with up until the closed beta is launched. If you are [...]

ASA title

Audiosurf Sequel announcement + Beta signup

The rhythm game Audiosurf is getting a sequel and players can now sign up to join the closed beta. Delivering a new way for players to experience their music library [...]


Playstation 3 celebrates its 5th birthday with cake

It’s official, The Sony Playstation 3 is 5 years old (in Europe). The first Playstation 3 was sold on March 23rd, 2007. We’ve had five years of brilliant games and memories that’ll last a lifetime. Since the console launched we’ve had titles [...]

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