Pretty much every game out there has some kind of niggling problem that drives one person bonkers. Whether it’s the dress system in FFXII-2 or the backtracking of Resident Evil, even the best games have something to pick at. Today we spotted some creative images that have edited the box-art from several games, giving the games a more ‘realistic’ advertising approach.
Posts Tagged ‘Diablo III’

Demon Hunter cosplay looks amazing

Usually we try to avoid stories about cosplay girls, but today we succumbed to a slow news day and some surprisingly decent photos. Generally when you find cosplay images online it usually involves really hot girls, horrendously bad attempts to look like a game character or amazing artistry.

Diablo III player begs Blizzard – “I QUIT MY JOB FOR THIS. MY WIFE WILL KILL ME”

As a child I remember that it was my dream to spend my life playing games and getting paid for it. It seems that one Diablo III player had the same idea and decided to quit his job and make money by selling items from the game.

Biggest internet fail ever?

We have seen some really stupid stuff from internet scammers but this Diablo III gold farmer has to be one of the dumbest we have ever seen. The user called Gamebank, which does not sound suspicious at all, went onto the Diablo III forums to complain when his accounts were frozen. The Vietnamese gentleman claims [...]

The ultimate Diablo III setup

When we say setup, we are not talking how powerful your rig is, or whether you are playing in 3D, ultra-fine HD sound with healing rays. No, we are talking about how much effort a Diablo III fan called ‘scrambles’ has put into making his own themed desk.Now this may sound pretty lame, but just check out the pictures. There are gems, candles, ye-olde looking paper, some weird-looking herbs and even fake [...]

Diablo III trailer showcases Wizard class

Blizzard have released the latest trailer showcasing the different character classes in Diablo III. This week we have been treated to a video of the Wizard class. Here’s the official description: “Brilliant practitioners of the arcane arts [...]

Diablo III ‘Evil is Back’ TV spot sends chills down our spine

With Diablo III’s release in just over two weeks, Blizzard have started cranking up the hype machine with their [...]

Play Diablo III this weekend (we know we will be)

Fans of the Diablo series can get their hands on the latest release in the series before the game is released on May 15. No this is not a dodgy torrent leak either, but the pleasant surprise that all account owners can try out the game for free this weekend. Blizzard have opened up the [...]

Blizzard shows off Diablo III’s Monk class

We have tracked down another Diablo III video for you to feast your eyes on, this one looks at the Monk class. Here’s [...]