Since Batman Arkham City was released in 2011, developers Rocksteady have been pretty quiet. The British developers have been abnormally coy about discussing a new Batman game, but we suspect work on a new title in the series may be well under way with fifteen new domain names being registered by Warner Bros.
Several of the names suggest that Warner are looking into designing an MMORPG in the Batman universe. With DC pushing to make their characters as big as Marvel and with a Justice League movie rumoured for 2015 developers could be working on a multitude of titles. Often domain names are purchased to stop others from taking them while companies decide on the direction of new titles, so anything stated now is merely speculation (which we love).
Here’s all of the registered domain names, read them and imagine the possibilities:
arkhamuniverse.com (Arkham Universe)
batmanarkahmuniverse.com (Batman Arkham Universe)
batmanarkhamarises.com (Batman Arkham Arises)
batmanarkhambegins.com (Batman Arkham Begins)
batmanarkhamdarkknight.com (Batman Arkham Dark Knight)
batmanarkhamknight.com (Batman Arkham Knight)
batmanarkhamlegend.com (Batman Arkham Legend)
batmanarkhamlegends.com (Batman Arkham Legends)
batmanarkhamnight.com (Batman Arkham Night)
batmanarkhamorigins.com (Batman Arkham Origins)
batmanarkhamstories.com (Batman Arkham Stories)
darkknightarkham.com (Dark Knight Arkham)
dcarkhamuniverse.com (DC Arkham Universe)
dcarkhamverse.com (DC Arkhamverse)
thearkhamuniverse.com (The Arkham Universe)