Ubisoft have released a new trailer for their latest game Ghost Recon: Future Soldier that has come under fire from gamers. The video has Reality TV ‘star’ Coco talking about some of the features in the new title. While some have enjoyed the busty blonde’s involvement, many feel it is pandering towards men.
Of course the whole video is done with Coco posing in skin-tight lycra. There’s even one part with a rather revealing shot showing off her arse and some blatant effort has been put into showing the effects of gun recoil on large breasts.
Although it must be said that the trailer is pretty informative, talking about the different customisation options and also showing off some impressive gameplay and some footage of the Kinect capabilities.
We’re not sure if Coco is really into the game, but according to her she likes to, “go in hard”. You can find out more information about Team Ghost on , which describes the team as, “a group of gaming enthusiasts, each of them real world elites, to promote the game’s May 22nd release.”
Tell us what you think of the video below. We’ve even been kind enough to add some screenshots, you know, for reference.