Nintendo announce Wii U release dates and prices

Wii U

Nintendo have officially given the Wii U a release date and price (US/JP).

The Wii U will be released in two different forms, the first, a basic version, will come with a 8GB flash drive and HDMI cable and cost $299.

The Premium version will come with a 32GB hard drive, a console stand and charging station for the console’s controller. This will cost $349.

Due to laws in the EU, there is no firm price set for the Wii U. Initial reports from retailers suggest that it will cost around £199 and £280 in the UK.

The Wii U will be released November 18th (US) and November 30 (EU). Each Wii bundle will be packaged with a free copy of Nintendo Land

Nintendo also announced their launch games today, click here to see them.

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