Obsidian have shown off some of the areas that you traverse in South Park: The Stick Of Truth. These include a haunted house, dojo, the school gym and Cartman’s Kingdom. The latter seems to be a makeshift fantasy area created by the foul-mouthed youth himself. In typical South Park style this will pastiche other successful pieces from the genre.
South Park: The Stick Of Truth is ticking all the right boxes at the moment and we like how the story works with the show. You start the game playing as the new kid on the block. You are then tasked with meeting friends after your parents get busy “christening” the new bed. On your journey you meet the goth kids at the cemetery, fight with Mr Kim from City Wok, and meet with Cartman and the gang at school.
We really like how the game seems to be holding its visual style too. According to Trey Parker and Matt Stone they want to “make a game where it felt like you [the player] were in an episode of South Park”.
South Park: The Stick Of Truth will be released on March 5th on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3.