Capcom have released footage of their latest E3 walkthrough of DmC that shows off the game’s tutorial level. The first half of the video shows the new Dante in the world of Limbo where he has been trapped. [...]
Posts Tagged ‘DMC’

Capcom release 30 minute DmC walkthrough

DmC release date, new character and PC release confirmed

Capcom have confirmed that their reboot of the Devil May Cry series, DmC, will be released on January the 15th [...]

Ninja Theory asked “to come up with a reinvention” for new DmC

Tameem Antoniades, co-founder of Ninja Theory, has defended himself from several internet forums that have claimed the revamp in Dante’s appearance was a decision to make Devil May Cry’s hero look more like him. [...]

Revamped Dante storyline reveal

Over at Capcom Unity, details have been released surrounding the revamped Dante in the upcoming Devil may Cry reboot, DmC. Previous updates stated that the new Dante is half angel (instead of human) and half demon, though recent news sheds further light on his background and motivations [...]

DmC HD release date revealed

The PS2 originally hosted a countless amount of games that we now consider classics and that also influenced modern games on the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. Many of these games have been remade and rereleased so they can be enjoyed on the most recent generation of platforms. On the 3rd [...]

DmC re-boot gets new trailer

Capcom have released a new trailer for their re-boot of Devil May Cry game being developed by Ninja Theory. The trailer shows Dante slicing through the existing world into a new abstract area full of enemies. Combat seems to have changed with a bigger emphasis on juggling too. Check out the [...]

Today’s News: GOW 3 DLC delayed, New MW3 multiplayer trailer, Syndicate Co-op and more…

First piece of Gears of War 3 DLC delayed: The first piece of downloadable content for Epic Games, Gears of War 3 has been delayed until further notice. According to the developers the game “experienced a technical issue” during the last day of testing. The Horde Command Pack was set to release earlier today, [...]