Posts Tagged ‘Medal of Honor’


Dead Space, Sim City and more out this fiscal year

EA are set to release sequels to several of their big titles in this fiscal year. In a call with investor the company said: ”At the foundation is another year of blockbuster brands: Madden NFL, FIFA, Sim City, Medal of Honor, Dead Space, [...]


LinkedIn profile reveals God of War 4 and new Medal of Honour

Another online CV has outed more unannounced games. This time it is the a new God of War and Medal of Honour games. The image comes directly from David [...]


Play another hour, games improve your eyesight

For everybody out there trying to legitimise their time in front of video games, your arguments just got a whole lot better. A new research by Daphne Maurer of McMaster University in Canada, has shown that playing first person shooters may improve your eyesight. The study took six patients [...]

medal of honourNFS

GAME reveals new Medal of Honor and Need For Speed games

GAME is the latest company to spoil a company’s fun by accidentally revealing that new Medal of Honor and Need For Speed titles are due to be released later this [...]

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