Famitsu has reported that Tekken Tag Tournament 2 players will receive free batches of DLC. From October 9th users will be able to receive content without dipping into their wallet. The first piece of DLC will give users three new characters.
Posts Tagged ‘Tekken’

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 free DLC inbound

History of TEKKEN (Part 3)

Following the successful release of the first two TEKKEN games, things were looking pretty good at Namco towards the end of the 1990′s. They’d struck gold with their approach to the fighting genre and the innovative ‘family feud’ storyline which governed TEKKEN’s central narrative. By 1997 they’d truly found their feet with this series and with new technology on their side, Namco proceeded to create one of the greatest fighting games in video game history.

Tekken Tag 2 secret characters found by hackers

DLC for fighting games has been a controversial matter over recent years. While other franchises such as BlazBlue and Street Fighter have openly sold a smorgasboard [...]

History of Tekken (Part 1)

Today, the very word is synonymous with the beat ‘em up genre. It boasts six canonical instalments, numerous spin-offs, and three movie adaptations, all carried out in the space of just over a decade. Not to mention the numerous world records including The Best Selling Fighting Game for Playstation Consoles and the First Playstation Game [...]

Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada on DLC

Katsuhiro Harada, series producer for the Tekken franchise, has told Eurogamer that he will continue to ensure DLC doesn’t block core game elements.

Tekken museum opening tomorrow

Osaka is now the home to Tekken’s very own museum which will showcase everything to do with Namco Bandai’s beat-’em up, including life-size models, various marketing materials and artwork. The Tekken museum will open tomorrow and is located in Osaka Nihonbashi. For the [...]

Tekken’s Gon gets his very own game

Namco Bandai are set to release a new game starring Tekken 3′s most annoying character Gon. The small, boxing dinosaur was originally one of the unlockable characters on the PS1 game but it seems he has now been revived for his very own game Gon Paku Paku Paku Paku Adventure [...]

SFxT Opening Cinematic

With the amount of videos from prologues to new costumes, Capcom has released a slew of videos surrounding the upcoming Street Fighter X Tekken. Yesterday they’ve released the opening cinematic to their upcoming crossover fighter. [...]

Review: Tekken: Blood Vengeance (Film)

This isn’t the absolute horror that is the live-action Tekken film. No, this is the newest CGI film that was created [...]