UPDATE: Images removed due to copyright infringement, however, Bethesda has released their Debut Trailer for the game.
Only hours after the first announcement of the Elder Scrolls Online coming from Gameinformer, the full feature has been leaked to the internet, in which Zenimax Online speaks of the “bold new direction” they plan to take the franchise.
Creative Director Paul Sage explains that it is important to capture the essence of previous Elder Scrolls games, namely weighty combat, richly interactive environments and a world reactive to players actions, albeit “this does not translate easily to the MMO genre”.
“We’ve really got to create a compelling game first,” Sage explains. “It needs to be comfortable for people who are coming in from a typical massively multiplayer game that has the same control mechanisms, but it also has to appeal to Skyrim players. You want to hit those touchstones, but more important than that, you’ve got to create an experience that’s unique and fun.”
The main story focuses on the war on the continent of Tamriel taking place 1000 years before the events of Skyrim. Nerevarine’s battle against Dagoth Ur in Morrowind, fractious lords desperately fight against the invasion coming from Oblivion and a civil war rages in the land of Skyrim.
Within the world of Tamriel there are 3 alliances users can join, each consisting of 3 three races to chose from. The Nords, Dunmer (Dark Elves) and Argonians make up the Ebonheart Pact. Forming the Aldmeri Dominion are the Altmer (High Elves), Bosmer (Wood Elves) and Khajiit. Finally the Daggerfall Covenant consisting of Breatons, Redguard and Orcs make up the third available alliance.
The main villain of the story is the King of Worms, Mannimarco who plans to take control over the mortal realm together with the Daedric prince of domination, Molang Bal.
Making sure the entire lore is kept canon, Todd Howard of Bethesda Game Studios “checks in every once in a while” to work together with the development team’s loremasters.
Much of the levelling experience is based around the “core fantasy presented by traditional Elder Scrolls games”. Taking place in a third person environment this time around, players will be utilising a hotbar for various attacks and actions. Skilltrees seem to be more MMO oriented, where players must chose a direction, as they “can’t master everything” this time around, nonetheless joining every guild is still possible.
Random events are also supposed to play a major role, featuring NPCs interacting with each other in occurrences, such as robberies or random dialogue (players can supposedly still slaughter civilians to their liking during these events).
Creating an open world, tied in with random events and quests being taken on by various individuals, allows for a richer experience, as players take on their own adventures and interact with others along the way. This feeling is explored in a werewolf quest the article runs through in fine detail, where decisions play a key part. The Elder Scrolls Online also plans to “bring back” the public dungeon, allowing for more organic group building instead of entering instances. Heroic modes will also be available for small-group instanced dungeons, as well as raids.
The in-game world will feature the entire environments from Skyrim to Morrowind, however the map will not be entirely open for exploration, as certain areas are planned to be used for future expansions. Cyrodiil will make for the main capital of the raging war, where players can engage in endgame PvP.
Considering the world of Tamriel is so vast and player interaction plays such a key role, the developers behind the MMO are still looking for an optimal solution to make sure that “hotly contested areas” aren’t overpopulated.
Gameinformer’s spread also features a massive “What’s in, what’s out” list comparing what elements have made it in, from the original Elder Scrolls games. It must be noted that the list includes a lot of “we can’t say right now”-ishness.
The feature finally acknowledges the fact that The Elder Scrolls Online must prepare to face a large amount of criticism, as die-hard fans won’t agree with many of the liberties Zenimax is taking. However, when reminded by the fact that Bethesda, as well as talent from Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot, are standing behind this project, we just might have the next big fantasy MMO waiting for us.
horrible graphics
looks….dull i think i stick with tera
Hotbar combat system? Boring.
Also, the armour designs don’t look very Elder Scrolls. They just seem like standard mmo fantasy gear.
A “bold new direction”, huh? Sooo.. in other words, and based upon the screenshots above, Bethesda plans on making an MMO that looks exactly like every other typical fantasy MMO game ever released. One word: BORING!
And not to throw out comparisons, but I’d take The Witcher and its world/lore any day over The Elder Scrolls because there is a richness and complexity and ACTUAL decision-making that simply can not be found in many RPG’s throughout the last decade – The Elder Scrolls included in that whole (although, they have gotten better about it in Skyrim).
Another mmo grindfest, complete with a spam skills and wait in place combat system.
A good full Elder Scrolls game with some co-op would have been better.
No just no. Bad idea
For Christ sake, why? When will this MMO bandwagon end? How many IPs and companies have to be tarnished before they take the hint?
Literally looks like shit
I’m pretty sure most MMO’s dim down the graphics so more people can play the game without buying a new computer or spending too much upgrading.
Hoped Id be good, but now we got the worst case. Wth are they trying? Making a lame game and print elder scrolls on it?
This will be a massive disgrace on the TES world. It needs shut down immediately, but I guess Zenimax is turning into another Activision/EA.
So they basically take out almost everything that makes the elderscrolls games awesome… and call it an elderscrolls game
Love Elder Scrolls
will pass on this one…
Haha I can not tell if these comments are serious.
“Literally looks like shit”.
You must take weird shits.
“This will be a massive disgrace on the TES world.”
Yeah we had better not go get money from the ATM machine to buy it.
“Wth are they trying? Making a lame game and print elder scrolls on it?”
Yeah I bet they are actually trying to make the worst possible game.
“I’d take The Witcher and its world/lore any day over The Elder Scrolls”
Too bad you are FORCED to buy every single game that comes out. But at least you found Barbie Race and Ride that way.
You guys should just calm down, and not buy products you do not want.
It is going to be all right.
Look at Warcraft, then look at it after WoW. Everything is not going to be okay.
Who said I’m “forced” to buy every game that comes out? Your potshot at my comment is absolutely retarded. Consider the fact that I was comparing the two games, their worlds and the depth of their lore (after having played both extensively), and then stating that I’d much rather prefer The Witcher to TES. I still very much love TES series and always have, but The Witcher is just…a better game. It’s a simple opinion and there’s nothing to read into there – so don’t try digging when there’s no need for a hole.
Also, of COURSE Bethesda is not TRYING to make a bad game, but the screenshots speak for themselves and they look BORING! Not only that, I get the feeling that Zenimax is more the driver of this new TES IP, than Bethesda. And, you always have to tread carefully when the publisher states that they plan to take an already uber-successful franchise in a “bold new direction.”
When can we PRE-ORDER!
Hopefully never. If there is a god, then this game will not be released.
Got a feeling that this just aint gona work…
So long bethesda, you’ve had a great run. Say hello to bioware when you get to the bottom.
I don’t know how I feel about this at all. Really scared they’re gonna mess up this franchise big time. And I’m not especially hopeful after the bomb that FFXIV turned into. Also, why, WHY, would they use the SWTOR engine? I’m not usually a graphics enthusiast, but that engine is just.. Man. And it’s MOLAG BAL. Come on, at least spell it right.
This might somehow turn out to be a decent MMO, but it’ll be a terrible Elder Scrolls game.
awww been waiting since toa for this
looks A-M-A-Z-I-N-G