Ubisoft looking to make Watch Dogs movie?


Ubisoft have been spotted registering several domain names that suggests they are looking into a film adaptation of their upcoming title, Watch Dogs.

WatchDogsmovie.com, WatchDogsthemovie.comWatch-Dogsmovie.com and Watch-Dogsthemovie.com were all registered by the French games company earlier this month.

Assassin’s Creed, Ghost Recon and Splinter Cell  may all get the Hollywood treatment if Ubisoft gets its way. Ubisoft’s head of marketing and international sales Jean de Rivieres previously said:

“Our strategy is not to diversify but to bolster the appeal of our franchises – that’s why we want to make sure our films will reflect the brands accurately and consolidate our fan base while expanding beyond the games’ primary target audience.”

This would fit in with Ubisoft Motion Pictures division which is looking into ways of expanding existing franchises.

There is no news on whether Ubisoft’s films, including Watch Dogs, will be computer animated or live-action. With the creation of Ubisoft Digital Arts studios the use of CGI would work perfectly. We just hope the game’s story, of which still little is known, lends itself to a feature film.


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