A Link to the Past HD Project


Inspired by an image that surfaced on the internet of the final clash between Link and Ganon, a part time game programmer, who goes by the name Homer³, has decided to recreate the entire last battle featured in The Legend of Zelda: A link to the Past.

The image that spawned this project, was an illustration by the artist Billy B Saltzman. On deviantart Saltzman has an entire gallery dedicated to HD versions of classic video game titles, amongst which he created a still image of the endboss fight from A Link to the Past.

Having previously worked on smaller projects working with XNA and Unity 3D, Homer³ is using the latter for his Zelda remake. Once the basic build is completed, he plans to see if he can get Saltzman on board to clean up some of the artwork and animations.

The game’s development can be viewed via every Tuesday and Thursday at 8pm EST, and on Saturdays at 2pm EST.

Seeing how the indie development community is growing, alongside its capabilities, I find it interesting to see where ideas such as this one will go and where it is taking the industry as a whole.

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