Today we brought you the news that a company in Japan had released their very own Lydia ‘hug pillow’. Of course we knew that this was a load of rubbish to start with and we weren’t furiously editing the story after we attempted to buy one, realising it was a joke.
We realised that over the years April the 1st has given us some of the most ridiculous and exciting stories over the years. So here is a run-down of the best April Fools stories which have captivated, excited and really annoyed us over the years.
Half Life 3:
Steam users that logged on yesterday were presented with this image that said Half Life 3 was available for download. Of course some things are really too good to be true. This is one of them. Valve would have to delay the game for over 5 years and tease us about it before releasing a new Half Life game.
Mass Effect Cartoon:
IGN teamed up with BioWare to create this beauty. The video of Mass Effect brought back nostalgic memories of 80s/90s cartoons which entertained us during our childhood. While we loved the idea of this April Fool’s joke it was kinda ruined by the fact that the video was released with the description, “Happy April Fools’ Day 2012 from IGN!” Cummon, at least keep us guessing for the rest of the day.
Xbox 360 fans have been calling for a new hardcore game for the Kinect. We were promised something decent years back, so where the hell is our game Microsoft? Well this trailer would have had us fooled if the movements were not so crazy. Our favourite is the one for hiding after a leap of faith. We love the fact that this spoof video “is a fan video completely planned, executed, and financed without the support of any of the companies related to Assassin’s Creed, Kinect, or Wii.” Whoever made this video deserves a pat on the back and a biscuit. Preferably Golden Creams.
Now I have done my fair share of complaining in the past that touch devices need add-ons or peripherals in order to compete with the market, but this is not one of them. created ’All four hippos are present and hungry, except this time, the hippos fit over your iPad and the game board is an app!’
This video was clearly a fake, but we didn’t care. We loved it. The whole thing was pretty funny, from the opening Rockband party to the tag price. It seems like Harmonix are happy to poke fun at themselves which is nice.
“We know you’ve been on the edge of your yoga ball/standing desk to see what mind-blowing game Harmonix is going to make next. Well friends, that wait is OVER! Feast your eyes and ears on this EXCLUSIVE commercial for our upcoming game!”
Other mentions:
We didn’t get a chance to put everything down here that we wanted. Here are the best of the other April Fools jokes played yesterday.
Google Maps Quest