Bethesda have revealed their hotly anticipated DLC for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The content currently called Dawnguard was announced via Bethesda’s website, the post had the image and says that fans can expect more news at E3. Dawnguard will be released on the Xbox 360 first, during the summer. PC and PS3 users will have [...]
Posts Tagged ‘Skyrim’

Check all of Skyrim’s Kinect shouts here

A new set of images has been released of all of the Kinect voice commands for Skyrim that have been added. The pictures were released via Major Nelson’s blog. The amount of things that you can actually control with the power of your voice is amazing. Pretty much anything can be selected for quick-use with [...]

Skyrim Kinect support confirmed

It should have been there when the game was released, but Bethesda have made up for their errors by announcing that Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim will be given a patch to support Kinect voice commands. With the update players will be [...]

April Fools 2012 round up

Today we brought you the news that a company in Japan had released their very own Lydia ‘hug pillow’. Of course we knew that this was a load of rubbish to start with and we weren’t furiously editing the story after we attempted to buy one, realising it was a joke. We realised that over the years [...]

Sleep with Skyrim’s Lydia

So you’ve just been on a long hard quest through the mountains of Winterhold, fought off countless trolls and necromancers and found a priceless amulet that you’ll store at home and forget to ever sell. All of this with your dear Lydia by your side. You realise that it’s 3am in your real life and about time you head to bed, leaving your companion to sleep in her virtual world. [...]

Gaming’s forgotten time periods: The American Civil War

It is 2012, and there are games covering almost everything I can think of, some topics I can’t think of, and things I can think of, but would rather not. Some game designers seem to be running out of ideas and simply knock out the same tired old format each year, yet there are still topics and time periods left relatively untouched in the world of gaming, and I want to know why. This will be [...]

Bethesda on Morrowind and Cyrodiil in Skyrim

Skyrim and Bethesda main man Todd Howard has publicly addressed the reasons for Morrowind and Cyrodiil’s placement in the code on Skyrim. If you don’t [...]

Bethesda’s ‘Game Jam’ reveals Skyrim DLC ideas

People working at Bethesda must have an awesome job. Not only do they pump out quality titles like Skyrim and Fallout but they are given a week to mess about. ‘Gamer Jam’ is an annual event where Bethesda workers get a chance to [...]

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Creation Kit developer diary

Bethesda have released a new video with production director Ashley Cheng taking us through some of Skyrim’s [...]

Skyrim replica looks badass

Fancy a handmade replica of some Skyrim daggers? You may want to get in touch with this man then. The replica is of Mehrunes’ Razor, a weapon which, although not that strong, has the ability to instantly kill enemies with a single hit. Bill Doran of PunishedProps is famous for making video game replicas. He [...]