The Spanish Assassin’s Creed website Guild of Shadows (Gremio de las Sombras) has released some new artwork, in-game screenshots and details for the upcoming Assassin’s Creed III.
Next to a campaign which is supposed to last 20% longer than what players experienced in ACII, historical characters will play a more prominent role, taking up 80% of the game’s cast. Appearing alongside the previously announced founding fathers we can also expect to encounter the likenesses of La Fayette and Ben Franklin’s child.
As mentioned in the GameInformer scans, combat has been tweaked, though latest info explains that taking down entire groups by picking off one enemy at a time won’t be made as easy, for multiple NPCs will be able to attack at once. After coming in contact with the Order of Assassin’s the game’s protagonist will see some new gadgets alongside his trusty hidden blade, such as a new Chinese Rope Dart.
Hearing that the new AC3 is trying to add some fresh flavour to the series is definitely welcomed after four separate titles, hopefully Ubisoft can pull it off.
Release is planned for an October 30 release on all major platforms.