The first footage of Bayonetta in Anarchy Reigns has appeared online. The video follows the announcement that the leather clad heroine would be appearing in Platinum Games latest 3rd person brawler.
We never tried to hide the fact that we loved Bayonetta and she seems to be kicking just as much ass in the footage below.
The official blurb released also details the different modes of in Anarchy Reigns:
- Bayonetta is a day-one bonus in Japan. She will be available in the West. Details coming soon.
- Deathmatch (4 player all for themselves)
- Team Deathmatch
- Survival Mode (Fight waves of enemies cooperatively)
- Cage Match (1v1)
- Death Ball (Sports inspired 4×4 gameplay)
- Team battles (Class based team deathmatch with a twist)
- Battle Royal (16 players Versus. Total Anarchy.)
- Awesome User Blogs – http://community.platinumgames.com/blogs/
- Don’t make ’s mad. Read his old tweets on Twilog. http://twilog.org/PG_kamiya
- The Blacker Baron introduced Days of Old from the Anarchy Reigns soundtrack. Performed by Vstylez.
(Played during the shout out video)
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