Call of Duty’s DLC content lock “unintentional”

Modern Warfare 3 DLC Map

Call of Duty DLC that was downloaded using the Activison’s Elite service were locked onto one user. This means that you could only use the content with the gamertag you downloaded the maps on. No split-screen DLC play then.

The internet quickly went crazy with rage with FPS fans hitting forums complaining about the content lock.

Robert Bowling, Infinity Ward creative strategist, has now cleared up the whole matter saying that it was a mistake and never intended.

“that Elite premium members on Xbox Live who purchased the latest DLC content drop for Modern Warfare 3 are unable to access that content while signed into other profiles on the same console that originally downloaded the content.

“This is unintentional,” he added, “and we will work to get an update out as soon as possible that corrects this issue and allows you to continue to enjoy the new maps.”

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