Activision have nabbed the rights to the next game based on hit US comedy Family Guy. The new game entitled, Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse, will take players to several different times and places from the shows’ episodes. Fans will be able to interact with some of their favourite scenarios from the TV show. [...]
Posts Tagged ‘Activision’

Rumour – Black Ops 2 first ‘screenshots’ leaked

Hollywood Special Effects company, Reel EFX may have leaked the first images from Activison’s eagerly awaited Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. The company put the images, which you can view below, on its website, before they were [...]

Call of Duty’s DLC content lock “unintentional”

Call of Duty DLC that was downloaded using the Activison’s Elite service were locked onto one user. This means that you could only use the content with the gamertag you downloaded the maps on. No split-screen DLC play then. The [...]

Activision take EA to court

Activision will take EA to court over claims that EA stole Infinity Ward founders Jason West and Vince Zampella from their ranks. Judge Elihu Berle has pushed the case forward, stating that Activision had supplied enough evidence to justify the court case. Activision’s lawyer Steven Marenberg said [...]