I love the internet. I love online games too. I’ve prestiged on Call of Duty more than 5 times (not trying to brag or anything), chased mates scores on Geometry Wars and I regularly keep in contact with friends that have moved away through online games. The thing is, sometimes I think back to when there was no internet (yes kids, there was a time) and think [...]
Posts Tagged ‘DLC’

Street Fighter X Tekken DLC plans leaked?

A leak from Capcom has been reported by Hadoken.net which reveals the DLC plans for Street Fighter X Tekken. If true, Capcom are really trying to sap our wallets of all of [...]

Call of Duty’s DLC content lock “unintentional”

Call of Duty DLC that was downloaded using the Activison’s Elite service were locked onto one user. This means that you could only use the content with the gamertag you downloaded the maps on. No split-screen DLC play then. The [...]

Soul Calibur V gets DLC before release

Soul Calibur V has not even been released yet but that hasn’t stopped Namco Bandai from announcing the first set of [...]

Deep Silver announce Dead Island DLC

Deep Silver have announced the new ‘Ryder White’ DLC for Dead Island. The new content will have players taking the game’s main antagonist Ryder White. Here’s the [...]

Exclusive FFXIII-2 weapon goes to Xbox 360 owners

Square Enix has announced a new bow for FFXIII-2′s main character Serah. The new bow named Azrael will be available for 360 owners exclusively. The DLC will be available for Final Fantasy fans to download from February the 2nd 2012. So what do you think of this news? [...]

Bethesda talk ‘Meaty’ Skyrim DLC

Speaking at the VGAs Skyrim lead developer,Tod Howard spoke about the first pieces of DLC to appear for Skyrim.”We’re going through ideas right now, and processing [...]

Today’s news: GTA V trailer released, Get GoW 3 DLC for free, Battlefield 3 smashes records and more…

November’s PS3+ perks revealed As November has now begun, Sony has revealed the new perks that will be available for PlayStation Plus users in the new month. Firstly, there are several opportunities to get your hands on some free downloadable games. As of today, 4 absolutely classic platform games are free to download as a [...]