Homeless guy interviews Suda 51


We can’t get an interview with Suda 51. We wish we could, but he seems to be quite a busy man. That hasn’t stopped one lucky homeless man getting an interview though.

Last night Warner Bros. held a special event to promote Lollipop Chainsaw at the GDC. Suda was conducting interviews for most of the night and then, according to CVG, a homeless man was given the opportunity to speak with the Shadow’s of the Damned creator.

“Later on in the evening a journalist from Edge arrived for what he thought was an exclusive one-on-one interview, but a second man checked in with him.

“There were plenty of drinks flowing at the event so nobody took much notice that this second ‘journalist’ was heavily soaked in beer. Warner thought the guy was with Suda’s people and the journalist seemed to assume he was with Warner.

“He managed about 10 minutes seated with Suda, mostly stroking his chin and nodding his head.

“Eventually it became quite clear he wasn’t a journalist – he was in fact a homeless guy that managed to blag himself all the way to the interview. PR staff quietly ushered him away and Suda seemed pretty speechless about it.”

Who could he have been writing for? Our best bet is that he’s freelancing for The Big Issue.

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