UAT’s (University of Advancing Technology) recently released a trailer to a fan made Mass Effect project called Red Sand.
The film stars Mark Meer, who you might know as the voice of Commander Shepard from the Mass Effect series. Red Sand is supposed to be a prequel to the trilogy, taking place 35 years before the events of the first Mass Effect.
Meer plays Colonel Jon Grissom a soldier of the alliance positioned on Mars to defend Prothean artefacts.
Here’s what the description reads:
“Serving as a prequel to the MASS EFFECT game series,”Red Sand” is set 35 years before the time of Commander Shepard and tells the story of the discovery of ancient ruins on Mars. Left behind by the mysterious alien race known as the Protheans, the ruins are a treasure trove of advanced technology and the powerful Element Zero, an energy source beyond humanity’s wildest dreams. As the Alliance research team led by Dr. Averroes (Ayman Samman) seeks to unlock the secrets of the ruins, a band of marauders living in the deserts of Mars wants the ruins for themselves. Addicted to refined Element Zero in the form of a narcotic nicknamed “Red Sand” which gives them telekinetic “biotic” powers, these desert-dwelling terrorists will stop at nothing to control the ruins and the rich vein of Element Zero at its core. Standing between them and their goal are Colonel Jon Grissom (Mark Meer), Colonel Lily Sandhurst (Amy Searcy), and a team of Alliance soldiers tasked with defending the ruins at all costs. At stake – the future of humanity’s exploration of the galaxy, and the set up for the MASS EFFECT storyline loved by millions of gamers worldwide. ”
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