Street Fighter X Tekken is set to get even more famous faces added to its ever-growing roster of characters. The latest addition to the fighting game is Megaman.
Oddly they’ve picked the guy from the game’s original cover which has gone down in history as one of the most hideous pieces of box art ever.
The Playstation 3 release of Street Fighter X Tekken now has Megaman, Mokujin/Pacman, Cole (Infamous), Kuro and Turo as exclusive characters. This is a slap in the face for Xbox owners as Ono revealed that Microsoft could not agree with an exclusive characters for the game’s 360 release.
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AS LONG AS it doesn’t completely play like SF4/SSF4, I’m iestretned. But if it turns out to be just another f*ckin’ juggle-fest, I really can’t be arsed. For all the memorising juggle combo’s these new age’ fighters may as well be full blown 3D fighters crazy command lists n all.This game would have reduced me to a gooey mess, released 10 years prior in the ALL IMPORTANT 2D. Cheap skates As such, I’m actually more iestretned in the sister project Tekken X SF’. Translating SF characters to T6 stylee is gonna be hella interesting and in 3D with GOOD reason VN:R_U [1.9.10_1130]Please log in to rate this commentVN:R_U [1.9.10_1130](from 0 votes)