Kickstarter projects have been a big hit recently. Several companies have now seen it as a way to source funding for more ambitious ideas, or for those that have a niche market. So far it seems to be working well, with fans getting their own input on games, while developers work on creating [...]
Posts Tagged ‘Kickstarter’

Wasteland 2 Kickstarter vows to give other companies 5% of profits

When I think of game developers and publishers, I think of big shots who drink from golden cups, eat caviar and [...]

Tex Murphy, the next Adventure Kickstarter?

A recent announcement on the “Unofficial Tex Murphy Web Site” forums by Chris Jones, could possibly be the first move in an attempt to revive the Tex Murphy series.

Baldurs Gate 3 on Kickstarter?

In an interview with Gamespy, Cameron Tofer of Beamdog and Overhaul Games spoke about the meaning of the Baldur’s Gate series as a whole and what plans might lie ahead. Tofer claimed that while RPGs have evolved over time, they to do not stand as replacements [...]

Wasteland 2 can now be done “right”

With Double Fine’s campaign coming to an end, Wasteland 2 has kicked off its run on Kickstarter to raise $900,000… only they’ve already reached $1 million in two days. Earlier revealed via Twitter, Brian Fargo, CEO of inExile Entertainment, announced that he’d be bringing [...]

Double Fine going live on Ustream for Kickstarter Finale

With only a few hours left until the end, Double Fine will be going live on Ustream at 3pm PDT to celebrate the final moments of their kickstart extravaganza. With over $3,2 dollars, of which today over $300,000 were already raised, the question arises how much [...]

Double Fine asks European players to donate

Double Fine are giving one final push to get some money towards their Kickstarter project. Tim Schafer discusses the various ways folks in Europe can give a little towards [...]

Serellan LLC – Bringing back the Hardcore Tactical Shooter

Christian Allen, a game designer known for his work on Ghost Recon and Halo: Reach (or in his own words, “for screaming at bears and shooting lots of guns”), plans to bring [...]

Double Fine Adventure Shirts, Kisses and more

Racking up $2,5 million and only four days left until the end, Double Fine’s kickstarter extravaganza is in full throttle as they announce a few new extra perks backers will be receiving. [...]

Wasteland 2 confirmed

Inspired by Double Fine’s success on Kickstarter, Brian Fargo the CEO of inExile Entertainment has confirmed that the old school post apocalyptic RPG Wasteland will be getting a sequel. In a Tweet from yesterday, Fargo wrote, “I have most the major websites ready to announce when we launch. But certainly feel free to spread the [...]