Posts Tagged ‘Tekken X Street Fighter’


Mysterious Namco ‘X’ website appears online

Namco Bandai have launched a mysterious new website that only sports a single, pulsating ‘X’ on the screen. There is no information on what game this website is for and the site is sparse for clues too. Now our initial thoughts were that this site had obviously been created for Tekken X Street [...]

Yoshinori Ono

Tekken X Street Fighter is “way behind schedule”

If you are holding your breath for good Tekken X Street Fighter news, you may be about to drown. In a recent interview Street Fighter X Tekken honcho, Yoshiro Ono, said that Tekken X Streetfighter could be out as late as 2018. “It might take a really long time to come out because they haven’t [...]

Street Fighter x Tekken Paul

Six new Street Fighter X Tekken characters revealed

Capcom have released a new trailer for Street Fighter X Tekken that reveals six new characters. From Capcom’s side you have Balrog, Vega and Juri, while Tekken have had [...]

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