Buy Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3 together for £37.96:
The winter gaming rush is in full swing and is seriously damaging my wallet. So when online retailer GameStop announced that they will be offering both Battlefied and Modern Warfare 3 for £37.96 they instantly had my full attention.
Gamers will need to buy both games though putting up the full amount of cash initially. To receive the discount you must send back your copy of Battlefield before November the 18th. When GameStop receives the copy of Battlefield they will then refund customers £40.98.
This is the first time I remember a trade in deal of this kind, especially for websites and frankly I think this is a brilliant idea. You can get two games for cheap and GameStop will be able to get a set of pre-owned games to re-sell, not to mention half the people will forget to send their copy back…
Xbox 720 rumoured for Christmas 2013 launch
The Xbox 720 is set to be released at the end of 2013, just in time for Christmas. Website Develop claims that is has the news on good authority with, “sources across the industry, from processor chip manufacturers to middleware firms”.
In house developers such as Remedy and Rare are already rumoured to have access to early Xbox 720 builds.
This is one of two stories (see below) that have come from website Develop today, so either someone should get a big raise, or someone needs to get fired.
Sony Playstation 4 in the works?
The rumour mill has been working the rounds today, as Sony is the second console to be rumoured today. Develop, who are pretty respectable website said that they have heard from a, “A trusted source connected to the matter”, that several in-house companies are working on games for the Playstation 4.
The website claims that the Playstation 4 will be released in 2014 and Sony have refused to comment on the situation.
Assassin’s Creed the movie. Coming to a theatre near you!:
It seems that they will try to make a film out of anything now days. The latest story from Hollywood is that a new Assassin’s Creed game has almost got the green light.
Sony will reportedly work on creating and distributing the film with Ubisoft co-producing it.
“As we’ve stated before, Ubisoft is actively looking for film opportunities for our top brands,” a Ubisoft spokeswoman told CVG.
Unfortunately, these films are usually horrible and veer away from their sources becoming cheesy Hollywood cash-ins. Let’s hope that things turn out better for this adaptation and that we don’t get crap like Street Fighter:The Legend of Chun Li.
Play as General RAAM in Gears of War 3 DLC:
Ever wanted to play with the ultimate locust character? Now you can in Epic Games’ latest newest DLC, ‘Raams Shadow’ (He’s the most badass Locust, admit it).
The DLC will be approximately three hours long, will feature a new ‘chocolate’ weapon skins and new achievements for you gamerscore whores!
Here’s the statement from Microsoft:
RAAM’s Shadow drops players into the events of Sera post-Emergence Day, as Zeta Squad is enlisted to evacuate Ilima City and protect the citizens against a Locust Kryll storm. Taking on the infamous Locust leader from Gears 1, General RAAM, Zeta is led by Michael Barrick (from “Gears of War” comics fame) and comprised of familiar faces such as Lt. Minh Young Kim (“Gears 1″) and Tai Kaliso (“Gears 2″), and also includes a new female comrade, Alicia Valera.
In addition to fighting as a new squad of Gears, players will step into the boots of RAAM himself, and for the first time storm the human stronghold from the perspective of one of the series’ most legendary bosses.
RAAMS’s Shadow will be available from December the 13th for 1200 MS Points, or for free for those that purchased Gears of War 3′s Season Pass.