Speaking to the Official Playstation Magazine Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima all but confirmed that a newnumbered sequel in the Metal Gear Solid series will be made. “I think we’ll probably have to make it at some point, but what that will be, we have no idea”.
He then went on to say that he would have less involvement in making the game as he has had in making previous releases.
“As far as my involvement in the project is concerned, [it] probably won’t be as much as it was with MGS1 – maybe I can do just one stage! For MGS1 I made the maps myself, laid out the enemy routes myself, did everything hands-on – that level I can’t do again.”
This is not the first time Kojima has said this. Since the original Metal Gear Solid was released Kojima promised after each release to take a less active role in production. This is never the case though and we expect Kojima to become deeply involved with Metal Gear Solid 5. It just wouldn’t be the same without him.