First out the gate for E3 2012 is Microsoft. Halo 4 and Gears of War: Judgement are both safe bets by this point, and Call of Duty Back Ops 2 is likely to rear it’s head, but what else could be in store?
Microsoft’s conference will begin at 9.30AM PST, 12.30 EST and 5.30PM BST.
The article will be updated throughout the event, so remember to hit F5 or the Refresh button on your browser to see the latest information!
Check out all the latest Microsoft news below!
Halo 4 - a new live action trailer showing the UNSC Infinity crashing towards Master Chief – the action shifts to gameplay, with the Chief marching through a thick jungle environment.
Halo 4 – Covenant vessels fly over head. Grunts and Jackals are quickly dispatched with the Battle Rifle – a mysterious energy weapon disintegrates an Elite. Artificial native creatures introduced as a new enemy.
Halo 4 – New Forerunner weaponry – rifles and shotguns. The new enemy types possess quick movement and teleportation abilities.
Halo 4 – New visor abilities. The action shifts to a trailer, showing off the deterioration of Cortana’s mental state, and a mysterious voice stating “I have long waited for this day, Reclaimer.”
Don Mattrick takes the stage.
Splinter Cell: Blacklist – In-game footage being shown in a desert environment. Smooth movement through the environment, with a slow-mo effect allowing you take out targets quickly and efficiently.
Spinter Cell: Blacklist – Kinect functionality allows you to call on enemies, drawing them into ambushes.
pinter Cell: Blacklist – Goggle functions allow you to scan environments and plot the enemy positions.
Spinter Cell: Blacklist – Use Kinect to call in air strikes from base.
Spinter Cell: Blacklist – Spring 2013.
Andrew Wilson, Head of EA Sports takes the stage.
Madden NFL and Fifa – Better with Kinect.
Fifa 13 – Use Kinect to make quick substitutions and formation changes – this will allow you to make vital changes without ever having to leave the action when opening a menu.
Madden NFL 13 – Kinect integration, putting you on the line. Joe Montana takes the stage.
Madden NFL 13 – Joe Montana is demoing the Kinect functionality on stage.
Fable: The Journey – A new trailer, showing off old and new footage. Fireballs are thrown at enemies using Kinect. Use the environment to take down your foes.
Gears of War: Judgement – World Premiere Trailer – Locust battle Cogs, as Baird stands in chains. Coming 2013. A blur of action packed images.
Forza Horizon – Footage of cars flying through beautiful daytime and night-time environments, racing, crashing and smashing into one another.
Bing – Kinect functionality shown using the Bing search tool to find films and play them.
Bing – “Easier, faster and simpler, and now in more languages.”
35 New Entertainment Providers to Xbox Live – Nickelodeon, Paramount Movies, Machinima and many many more.
Sport: NBA and NHL coming to Xbox.
Sport: ESPN will also be seeing a significant overhaul with more programming available more of the time!
Xbox Music – Available through Xbox, Windows 8, tablets and phones. The music service Microsoft have been striving for for years.
Kinect – “The Future of Fitness” – Nike coming to Kinect.
Nike+ Kinect training coming to your living room. Access to the same training methods, feedback, and fitness assessments which Nike makes available to athletes. Windows Phone integrations to let you know when to work out.
Marc Whitten, Head of Xbox Live takes the stage.
Xbox SmartGlass – “Breakthrough in entertainment” – transforms Android devices, Apple Devices and Windows devices.
Xbox SmartGlass – Can send the film you are watching from your tablet to your TV with a simple touch.
Xbox SmartGlass – Phone and Tablet know what is being played through the Xbox on your TV, keeping you more connected than ever before.
Xbox SmartGlass – Immersing you in entertainment in a way like never before – watch the film on the TV, get the facts through your other devices. Watch Game of Thrones on your TV, while a map of Westeros on your phone charts the progression of the series.
Use your Windows Phone as a controller for your Xbox 360 console.
Internet Explorer, coming to Xbox this year, making the internet just a voice command or phone swipe away.
Internet Explorer – “Fast, fluid and intuitive.”
Windows 8 – With Xbox entertainment interaction, including games, music, and SmartGlass functionality.
Tomb Raider – a new gameplay trailer shows Lara taking on enemies, silently taking out her adversaries with a bow and arrow, and using the environment to push enemies from great heights and quickly escape.
Tomb Raider – the enviroments look great, with scenery exploding under enemy gunfire, rain fall from the sky and water flowing in the background.
Tomb Raider – Similar to last year’s conference, Lara seems to be receiving a harsh beating in this trailer as she tumbles through water rapids before ending up in a downed aircraft, the glass cracking around her. She grabs a parachute before the glass breaks, and she tumbles through the sky, brushing past trees, before crashing back to earth near a mysterious temple.
Tomb Raider – First DLC pack will be available on Xbox 360 first.
Ascend: New Gods – from Signal Studios, the developer behind Toy Soldiers – a third person action adventure coming 2013.
LocoCycle – from Twisted Pixel, coming 2013 – about a futuristic bike.
Matter – A new project from Gore Verbinski of Pirates of the Caribbean fame. Tron-like aesthetic. No game-play shown, although the title appears to be a futuristic plat-former of some form.
Resident Evil 6 - A new gameplay trailer showing Leon Kennedy taking on the hordes of the undead. The action appears a little quicker than his last outing in Resident Evil 4, with more running than stalking the streets. Quick time events and roundhouse kicks return intact.
Resident Evil 6 – fast-paced chase sequences similar to those made famous in the Uncharted series seem to be included, as Leon and Helena sprint over a collapsing bridge to the safety of a nearby helicopter.
Resident Evil 6 – The helicopter doesn’t prove to be as safe as hoped, as it crashes into a convention centre, leaving the two heroes surrounded by the undead. I guess we will just have to play and find out what happens!
Wreckateer – An Xbox Live Kinect title – similar to the iPhone title Siege Hero.
Wreckateer – Coming to Xbox Live this summer.
South Park: The Stick of Truth – place yourself in the controversial world of South Park with this new RPG. Place yourself in an episode of the show.
South Park – You play the new kid in town joining the classic four friends.
Dance Central 3 – Usher takes to the stage to show off the new moves which he showed developer Harmonix for the new Dance Central instalment.
Dance Central 3 – He isn’t even playing the game. Just saying…
Don Mattrick returns to the stage to close off the show.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 – All new content will once again launch on Xbox 360 first.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 – New gameplay footage shows you playing the new Mason in convoy with the President as the enemy wages war on America using its own tech.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 – The convoy is hit and the gameplay starts, revealing the tried and tested mix of shooting and cinematic action which would feel at home in any Michael Bay film.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 – Cover isn’t an issue – new scope settings allow you to snipe through cover and take out any foe who stands in your way.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 – The demo skips forward to a shopping district – small drones flit overhead as the battle moves indoors. Mason uses a control panel strapped to his arm to target where he wants to drones to attack – a glowing reticule projected onto surfaces to indicate the targeted area.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 – A building in front of you collapses - a mainstay of the FPS genre these days. In the aftermath, you board a fighter-jet, and take to the skies over the destruction below. Protect targets on the ground, before engaging targets in the sky.
And it looks like that is it folks! Hope you have enjoyed our coverage of this first E3 Press Conference.
Make sure to check back with us in 2 hours time for the EA conference.