Original Colour I Am Alive Artwork Revealed


Some of the original artwork for I Am Alive has been spotted online on the NeoGAF forums.

The game never had the most stable development history. Initially originally worked on in 2001 by French development team Darkworks, Ubisoft decided to pick up the title themselves in 2006, after they had completed work on Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare and Cold Fear.

The game was then officially unveiled in 2008 at E3, with Jade Raymond heading up the PR train, promising to be a post-apocalyptic survival game that would be unique.

By 2009 little more had been seen about I Am Alive and development moved from Darkworks to Ubisoft Shanghai.

The game was started from scratch in 2009 and many felt this would be another Duke Nukem: Forever.

In 2010 Jeux Video published a story that claimed I am Alive would be a digital release, baffling members of the press. Jade Raymond came back and stated that the title was still in development and would be hitting store shelves.

Eventually I Am Alive was released in 2012 on XBLA and PSN, and was actually a pretty good game.

From the screenshots below, it looks like the original concept for the game was far more ambitious than the final product. Darkworks’ vision seems like it would have had a bigger influence on group work and maybe even multiplayer. There seems to be a higher emphasis on combat too with axes, rifles and machine guns spotted in the artwork below.

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