Ryu’s Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (also known as Hurricane Kick) has always been one of our favourite moves from Street Fighter. Now while we have always been aware that the hadoken is impossible to pull off in real life (several hours of my childhood were wasted testing this), we have [...]
Posts Tagged ‘Street Fighter’

Surgeon General makes cool beat-em’ up rap

Video game inspired music is usually poor. The problem is that game fans make the tunes instead of musicians. So when someone steps up to the plate and makes something decent, we like to give them some attention. The video [...]

Yoshinori Ono steps down as Street Fighter producer

Video Game Producer Yoshinori Ono, known for his work on Street Fighter and Street Fighter X Tekken, is taking time off from his work at Capcom due to health issues.

Game inspired music

Games are a special kind of medium that can move people like no other. So much so that many have found themselves singing and rapping about their favourite titles, making some truly amazing pieces. The amazing “Letter to Square Enix” from Richie Branson got us thinking other tracks inspired by video games. Everything from Hyrule’s [...]

SFxT Opening Cinematic

With the amount of videos from prologues to new costumes, Capcom has released a slew of videos surrounding the upcoming Street Fighter X Tekken. Yesterday they’ve released the opening cinematic to their upcoming crossover fighter. [...]

Asura’s Wrath DLC announced

The release of Asura’s Wrath has comes with news of updates on the upcoming DLC, including the speculated screenshot featuring Ryu from Street Fighter. The anime inspired Buddhist story will be receiving several “substantial” DLC packs, of which two of those will actually be [...]

Asura appears in Street Fighter DLC

Capcom have released a screenshot of Asura squaring up to Street Fighter’s Ryu. The image is of future DLC that will be released later this year, presumably by the release of [...]

Gaming Valentine’s cards

Whether you’re a fan of Valentine’s Day or not, we still love you here at Xbigygames. That’s why we’ve made our own set of Valentine’s cards just for you! See how nice we are.We’ve kept it to a theme of fighting games and there’s only four there but feel free to share them about. Maybe even give them to a loved one if you are a really bad bf/gf. [...]

Sex, games and porn

In games sex has never really been properly tackled. Yeah every now and then someone gets some and there are woman with massive jugs in every game under the sun, but it is odd that few games actually try to tackle the subject. I’m not asking for QTEs or anything like that, just a more [...]

Capcom Digital Collection out on March 30th (Europe)

Capcom have officially announced the launch date for The Capcom Digital Collection. The bundle pack will come out in the US on March the 27th with the UK release coming [...]